Monday, October 13, 2008

Cars, Hats, Antlers.....not just a guy thing

Maggie was so excited when Uncle Matt stopped by with these Elk antlers. When we go to Poppy's (Grandpa Parson's) house, she loves to sit on his lap and look through the hunting magazines for Elk. She always talks him into letting her take one of his prized possessions home and she sleeps with it every night.

Halle is standing by Poppy's corvette at the Peach Days car show.

I love these hats even though they aren't the girls' favs because they make their heads "scratchy." At least I got a cute picture, even if Cinderella is in it too. You do what you have to do!

I Enjoy Being A Girl

Halle did Future Rockettes this year and loved it! She can't wait for next year so she can do it again. Everytime we drive by the high school and there are cars there she thinks they are doing Future Rockettes and begs us to take her.

When I was taking this picture, I kept telling Maggie to smile and she wouldn't. Halle decided to take control, as usual, and make her smile. I don't have a clue where she gets that from.......

This is the adorable outfit Halle insisted on wearing to practice. Even though it was August and they practiced on the football field, the leg warmers were a must. Maggie had to dress up too so she didn't feel left out.